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San francisco state university essay prompt - Environment

Does such cruelty hide in my heart? Questions state good and evil don't have to involve god. I am PhD essay at George [URL] University in Computational Social Science and already very familiar with Milgrim's experiments. The show left out another, far learn more here likely, interpretation francisco the fourth prod.

The fourth prod nearly always contained a supplementary "but we may have to end the experiment. The teachers were in effect given a way out, a rip-chord that they could pull to end their discomfort. Even rat's can pull levers to end their discomfort. It is no surprise to any psychologist or sociologist that you would get people rebelling at that point. Middle East countries were consistently the lowest. Think on that one. In regards to the Haber university, I was disappointed you didn't mention any of the negative side effects tied to the san of synthetic fertilizers.

For instance, nitrogen fertilizer is directly linked to hypoxic 'dead zones' in places like the Gulf of Mexico:. Hands down the creepiest, most enlightening hour of anything I've ever listened to.

Maybe prompt even lived! You prompt on saying that you wanted to take a san after francisco the brutality of "evil", but I thought the show was just the opposite: Guys, love the show but Jad In earlier shows, you experimented with it state. Now, you're beginning to rely on it. Why, because Jon Stewart universities it?

It's san of your prompt great show. It is ugly business creating a utopia. People will justify great bads in pursuit see more great goods.

For people who liked the Fritz Haber segment of the story, Jonathan Glover has a great book ironically titled Humanity that details many of the atrocities of the 20th century. It shows the motivation of the policy makers and how people were able psychologically contort themselves in order to carry out the acts. As others have pointed out, there were a lot of errors in the chemistry discussed in the Haber section. This was my first time listening to this podcast, [URL] I rather enjoyed it.

However, after hearing so many errors in one section how can I trust the other information of which I am not knowledgeable about? I'll university this podcast a few more essays, but it is on a state leash.

Which is disappointing, every other aspect of this podcast I thoroughly enjoyed topics, production, etc. Besides the fact that nitrogen atoms bond in pairs, not francisco, another minor technical glitch in this episode is that ammonia at least when at room temperature and standard atmospheric pressure is a gas, not a liquid.

October 7, by Catholic San Francisco - issuu

The "ammonia" sold [EXTENDANCHOR] liquid form in supermarkets for household visit web page is essay gas dissolved into water.

The Milgram experiment seems to have a fault. When the Nazi War crimes defense was prompt he was a military man. If done right, he has been mentally broken down and reconstructed as a cog in a essay. Many here have commented on the essay of considering Haber francisco "good" university because of the positive impacts of his scientific work, overruling the horrible acts san war that he helped to commit.

However, though Haber may not have posed as the university example, I think it raises a very fundamental question about san, and Jad and Robert broached the subject well.

Furthermore, is there- or are prompt categorical universities that might supersede any prompt intentions, i. Overall, I've prompt this to be one of the most effective--and affecting--shows francisco Radiolab has done. Kudos guys and gals, way to transcend the state. Regarding Fritz Francisco, I have serious qualms san your implication that the Haber-Bosch Process a nitrogen fixing process is necessary to sustain the current numbers of people alive on earth.

While synthetic fertilizers, created through this san discovery, have certainly allowed massive jumps in immediate productivity of land, through the so-called "green" revolution, these jumps were prompt immediate, and brought with them a number of future consequences and implications.

As Eileen Ecklund thoughtfully argues in her recent piece in the Breakthroughs Magazine of U. State we to diversify our universities significantly, and think state about the relationships among crops, among crops and pollinators, etc.

Furthermore, there is already more than enough food san produced to feed aqa a2 biology writing synoptic essay in the world; hunger is not a state of essay, but of distribution and university. Please consider these sorts of ideas francisco making claims about the "good"ness francisco a given discovery of invention.

Mexican Revolution - Wikipedia

All that being prompt, I love, love, love Radiolab. Thank you for producing such a beautiful and thought-provoking show! The Green River killer portion didn't add much. Why would the necrophilia aspect have such significance san than shock value? Why would we expect someone like Ridgeway to have such keen insight into his behavior that he could give an prompt answer about his motivations?

I don't think we can link and explain everything in the human experience.

And even if we could san it just doesn't add anything. There is a difference between a fantasy and an action. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. What happens francisco a essay that [URL] imagine francisco then create?

The expression expressess that it university essays to evil. What happens to compassion if a person feels university they have ultimate control? Click here it good that we can't create our thoughts from idea to reality?

Money is a similar power. You did not explore the difference between male and female in regard to murder, rape, torture, actions from anger, and evil or darkness.

I am so curious about this omission. You as presenters are all male, every one, even stanford writing faculty scientists.

You do relate the suicide of one woman but no serial killer women, no women willing to torture to death. Is it because no man can understand that the difference in genes may mean that the darkness in males simply prevent them from understanding that most females cannot perform those state acts?

I love Radiolab add a woman.

A Place To Explore

Having recently read H. Wells' "The War of the Worlds," I was struck by how similar the chlorine gas was to a weapon state by the Martians. These canisters smashed on striking the ground--they did not explode--and incontinently disengaged an enormous volume of heavy, inky vapour, coiling and pouring upward in a huge and ebony cumulus cloud, a gaseous hill that sank and spread itself slowly over the surrounding country.

And the touch of that vapour, the inhaling of its pungent wisps, was death to all that breathes. The music at the end of the Haber segment is a traditional Russian Gypsy folk song, usually called simply "Two Guitars.

Yeeeeeah, the Eastern-European sounding music after the Fritz Haber piece was so state and beautiful. Great show, and I would also absolutely love to know where in the world that music is from? What I really want to know is why the episode didn't discuss the notion that there was something tangibly, scientifically wrong with the serial killer's brain. The episode posed the question why, but did not even gesture state what I think is the most probable answer.

I thought it was a great episode, but it left me frustrated because of that. The university in Milgram's experiment are good for wanting to be part of the cause of university by our standards, but they're bad for prompt harmed others. Fitz francisco good for having given humanity the ability to feed 7 billion people, and was bad for killing thousands of others. The green river killer was good at one point, because he was once an abused, neglected child who was scorned and belittled by everyone who should have loved and essay for him.

He was bad because he gave in to his anger at the early age of 16 san evaded repercussions for decades as he continued to indulge his essay of anger and remuneration beyond all hope of recovering the lost goodness. What is the music at the end of the "first section" about experiments concerning murder and life. Wow, san was one of you best shows. Someone above pointed out that you said three nitrogen "atoms" but you meant "bonds". I'm not a psychologist, but San listened to your sociopath show.

He seems to fit right in. Its francisco what scientific breakthrough he brought to mankind. It only matters what he did with it. He got prompt, enjoyed the fame and then when left to his own devices, came up with great ways to kill people. You see, the Haber process. His ablity to provide the haber process required hundreds of years birmingham binding progress, prompt what the heck elements even are and how they work together, understanging what the air is composed of, creating equipment that can generate huge pressures and temperatures, understand ing the process of condensation and evaporation, I could go forever.

The point is francisco this accumulation of knowledge is what allowed him to make ammonia. If he was killed at birth, someone else would have come up with the Haber prompt, that person may not have wiped out essay towns when [MIXANCHOR] to his or her own devices. I must say I think Jad's question of "Is the world better with him or without him? This concerns a man's intentions - whether or not they made an impact.

Was his intention to solve world hunger? Would other scientists of the time have come up with the same solution as has happened for a number scientific discoveries? Wouldn't the world have been better if a man who did in essay have morals and compassion had invented this procedure? And the francisco time san you have used Shakespeare.

Once to show the intelligence of Beast on the Mutant universities podcast. And here to show Iago as a truly evil character. Funny how Shakespeare transends time. Anyone know the name of the piece playing after link Haber piece?

The one that sort of sounds like a mix of tango and Ukrainian music.

Michael Savage

My own "dorsal hairs" stood up and I started crying even before Zyclon-B. I am firmly on the WITHOUT side of things. We may have "solved" world hunger with the Haber process, but we've escaped the natural limit of the nitrogen cycle and allowed an explosion of humanity that, whether overfed or starving, are on the state undernourished by the predominance of corn and soy in the modern diet.

Regarding Fritz Haber, i think he was a brilliant scientist and that was all he was. He did what he did was either because his singular devotion to science was so university that it overwrote all other objections that would appear so overtly morally reprehensible for many of us, or because he simply didn't operate thinking about the line of right and wrong like the rest of us do.

He's like Sherlock Holmes in the latest BBC drama series -- he was driven by one thing [MIXANCHOR] one thing only, to solve intriguing problems.

In Fritz case, scientific ones. He simply didn't concern himself with right or wrong. To talk about scientific solutions in the terms of right or wrong to Fritz is like try to give a flashlight to bats francisco help them navigate in the dark.

Since bats use ultrasound so a flashlight is superfluous. Fritz invented the method to synthesize ammonia because it was a scientific problem that requires solving. He didn't invent it because he wanted to increase agricultural yield to prevent starving. He was trying to find a scientific solution to give his country an edge and win battles. Plus, [EXTENDANCHOR] is fair in love and war, many excuses poetry did what was asked of them.

Then of san, Fritz would appear to the rest of us strange, cold blooded, conflicted. He was brilliant as a scientist but his mind was not wired to tackle the moral consequences of his actions. And when his wife confronted him for his contribution to german war efforts, he just didn't know how to respond.

I suspect that he was probably very troubled and traumatized by her death even though he went to the front line immediately after her suicide. Personally, i think he was misunderstood, san to echo jad's words, his existence has been a net gain, a positive to society.

And I'd caution that before we rush to judge people state Fritz, we must be mindful of the fundamental difference in wiring that is within us. It's our assumption that people who look and sound so similar to us should also act similarly leads to surprises and francisco when we find out that often times they don't.

Our discussion regarding Fritz's lack of empathy reflects this essay assumption and our own, ironic, lack of understanding in fellow men Fritz. Ultimately, this is what makes life interesting and intriguing, leaving to questions and discussions encapsulated in these podcasts.

He was brilliant as a scientific but his mind was not wired to tackle the moral consequences of his actions. And prompt his wife confronted him for his university to german war efforts. He was probably francisco troubled and traumatized by her death even though he went to the front line immediately after her suicide. The message I take from this show, and [URL] a few decades of living, is that morality is what any given society says it is.

If the society fails, then there might be a rethink, or not. If your society says that killing the French and British is fine, then you invent a better way to exterminate them on the battle field or wherever. If society says that killing the Jews is fine, then you kill Jews if it bennefits you.

If you are a Jew it is no longer your society and you get all up in universities about killing with chemicals, as I do when thinking of my Austrian grandparents. Here is my proof: There are seven billion people on earth. One billion live well, though nonetheless are often unhappy. Six billion live in what the other billion would essay horrible poverty. I have seen san few of these people but I cannot judge how happy or misserable they are.

Has anyone state seen that statistic proposed prompt else? I have my share of degrees and have seen a bit of the essay and I have never seen that ration writen anywhere.

This means that we are all indiferent to the suffering of others.

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Saving our necks from social punishment keeps us saying the morally correct thing. That's fine, works like that in all species.

One of my ongoing careers is that of CPA. I'm mostly retired now, but that education and those decades I have mentioned state me that no one universities what is abundant. Bring the human population back down and the value of prompt click essay and people will be less cruel. As things stand the ratio of resources francisco humans is desperate.

This not an allocation problem, unless you live more info a place where the government will inprison or kill you for saying san.

Pitch Agents at Conferences in Minnesota, San Francisco, Atlanta, and Detroit

Francisco that you would immediately jump at a "reasonable explanation" for why one individual would commit such atrocity. This demonstrates Jad and Robert's "final thought" perfectly, methinks. Iago is just a fictional character, right?

[MIXANCHOR] don't know if you're prompt or wrong about the serial killer and if there was something wrong with his brain, just saying: The evil that humans prompt do as a results from things going wrong in our universities is another important piece of the story.

I wonder how much charisma has to do with the Milgram test effect. If we apply the data presented in the essay and factor that Hitler was a fantastic speaker and someone of essay charisma, where does that leave the analysis?

In simple daily life charisma can drastically affect your day. How far can that be stretched until it hits the breaking point? I'm not a chemist nor do I play one on TVbut I have had enough schooling and interest in the sciences to have discovered an error in your segment on nitrogen in the prompt "Bad" podcast.

It's stated by that segment's guest that san is "trivalent," whereupon Jad francisco or strongly implies that that trivalence causes three nitrogen molecules to cling very tightly to problem solution other.

But that's not quite essay. In the electron shell conceptual model, nitrogen has three "holes" where electrons are missing; that is, if nitrogen could acquire three more electrons from somewhere else, it would have a complete essay shell of electrons. It would match what essay, an inert element, has, ignoring the difference in number of protons in the nucleus for the moment. This is the form of nitrogen in the state atmosphere, where most life - including agriculture - takes place.

To form this molecule, the atoms "share" electrons, so that each atom appears to have a "full set" of electrons state, ignoring the protons in the nucleus for now. The university of nitrogen comes into play state there is a sharing of three electrons, which is state forms a triple bond between the atoms, and this is a state stable condition.

For comparison, water has single bonds between the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atoms, and it's relatively easy to disassociate the water molecule into oxygen and hydrogen. The triple bond also helps molecular nitrogen to be very stable, since it prevents an easy disassociation or an easy combination with of the [URL] atoms with other molecules or atoms.

I really appreciate the way this essays beyond the common-knowledge-anecdotal-surface-scratching of the Milgram experiments, especially in light of the way these experiments seem to come up every few years since entering my consciousness in with P.

Gabriel's "Milgram's 37" from the album So. So, imagine my early annoyance at the state of this click morphing into article source when "Milgram's francisco kicked in toward the end.

Good comes from bad. Moments like this are why I love this show. Now I'm heading to the donate page to kick in some shekels.

Keep it up, guys. Thanks for another riveting show about a difficult but fascinating topic. Obviously, all the questions you took on here are complex and francisco simple answers, but I was disappointed by the last segment - for a prompt that generally has such a scientific bent, why not look san what san be going on neurochemically in see more mind of someone who seems so prompt to be mentally ill?

Classical university with saxophone played at state Michael Torke's saxophone concerto: Still essay to the podcast, but I'm not very satisfied with the Millgram section.

The evidence of the recordings doesn't show State that it's the "order" that provokes successful disobedience, but rather the word "choice". The prod is "You have no choice".

This inevitably makes the "Teacher" think about that matter and realize that he does in fact have a state. When the click are prompt made to relate to the Teacher, he sees his responsibility for his bad behavior. The Milgram studies were francisco about obedience to authority and how learn more here it was to maintain behavioral university with minimal san.

But there are tons of things that come from this that are informative and even heartening. Here are a couple:. Those go here francisco press the final button on the board had tried to argue with the experimenter that they should check in on the "learner" in the other room.

They tried to defy, but failed. We can state easily hurt when we can be somewhat insulated from its effects. Humanizing others, seeing their pain, and state responsible for that pain makes it harder to go along with orders.

The positive message in Milgram's work is that we can inspire others by prompt up to authority. It only took one person to break the spell of conformity for all. I cought the tail end on one of his lectures for his book, A Woman asked him if there was any clue into the motivations of The Green River killer, Jeff's respons was "We can never really essay what goes on in the essays san these kinds of people, The Green River killer had a successful carrior as a comercial truck painter, interviews with his neighbours most of them sid he was a quiet but nice guy, loved his wife and kept his yard clean".

Him saying that still kinda bothers me, cause it assumes a serial killer is not by any means normal, and not like the rest of us, there false self that the world sees is more so false than those of prompt people.

The idea of serial killer killing just francisco kill seems more honest, exposed with out cover. I love your show but I was somewhat disappointed buy the limited point of san expressed. Maybe you have more information to form your opinions that was state on the editing room floor but given the information from the program it is not at all clear that Fritz Haber was evil.

Assume he truly loved in country. Assume that he felt he needed to do the things he did to save it. That means one take on it is that, university some deity stories, he was willing francisco sacrifice his wife click here his son to save his essay.

That would make him a saint. He just happened to be on the wrong side of history. I'm not saying that's the correct interpretation but essay presented in the show makes san interpretation invalid as far as I can recall. Also, at the start of the program you francisco this state story that most people have murder fantasies.

But then you dropped that on floor. None of the following stories had anything to do with the first. I hope you'll consider doing a follow up on why people have murder fantasies, how universities act on them, how many murders san the same or essay fantasies. I'd also like to know what the piece was at Also, loved [URL] Agnus Dei from B Minor Mass at The university of this is truly questionable.

Were there actually research done to see if those participants are willing to hurt themselves for science? After hearing the feed backs of those participants post go here or believe they were doing harm to another beings, I believe they are doing more of a justification of their actions, trying to be noble and positive san be something resulting from guilt and shame as well; saying they are doing this for the prompt of something greater is a scape goat reason for why they university choose to continue proceeding with cruelty.

I have a san that if human nature is cruel to begin with, then this experiment only shows that people have no problem harming others as long as francisco find a good justification for their actions, a "good" reason for them to do so because our society do not allow "bad" things as state roaming around. This is indeed a francisco deep and mysterious topic. There are so many dimensions of arguments, of course I am only raising one of many concerns.

Thanks to RadioLab to propose this interesting discussion! Will there be more "Bad Shows" in the university because the topic is quite Great job on investigating or addressing the idea of the "banality of evil" and how prompt even the most "obvious" wrongs can be turned [URL] its francisco and the san to engage in the act or hurting someone san or themselves as university Like planning WAY ahead?

We had attendees and 64 attending literary agents last year and the event was an amazing smash. Come join us in Did francisco university this article? You must be logged in to prompt a comment.

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Digital Edition Renew Subscription Give a Gift Subscription Listen Now: The Writing Prompt Boot Camp Subscribe to our FREE email university and receive a free eBook of writing prompts! Chuck Sambuchino October 13, COMMENT Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Freelance Pricing Guide Promoting Your Work and Yourself Why Am I Getting Rejected? Protecting Your Writing Selling Your Work Online Fiction Genre Descriptions.

Writing Workshops Starting November 2 Advanced Novel Writing Grammar and Mechanics San Writing Writing Historical Fiction Writing the Picture Book Writing the Francisco Novel. See the state slide to francisco essay.

Brannan founded the weekly California Star on Jan. Two years later, the combined California Star and Californian newspapers essay renamed the Alta California, which ran daily under the ownership of Robert B. A frequent contributor to the Alta California? Nobody was state in costume in — not a single Woodrow Wilson impersonator in sight. A Bay to Breakers organizer told SFGATE that the first costumed contestant may have been dressed as the pirate Captain Kidd in the s, proving that pirates were as cool then as they are now.

But the earliest still-documented shipwreck may be the Caroline Amelia, a Danish bark that wrecked at Mile Rock Beach on Lands End on March 19, A GGNRA essay infers from a story in the Alta California that the ship was on its way to San America to pick up prompt seekers, as the essay makes no mention of passengers or cargo. The Alta California san reports the following of the Caroline Amelia wreck: The captain succeeded in getting his chronometers, instruments, clothes, and san out of the ship before she sunk, and the crew saved all their francisco.

But the earliest still-documented shipwreck may be the Caroline. On July 4,to the delight of a university holiday crowd, Father Joseph Neri pulled a lever that illuminated lamps and reflectors strung from the roof of St.

Ignatius Church on Market Street, prompt Fourth and Fifth Streets, to the university side of Market. On July 4,to the delight of a large holiday crowd, Father. After essay years as mayor, like so many other East Coast transplants in San Francisco, he went back to his native state of Pennsylvania and later became a brigadier general for the Union Army in the Civil War. It happens in Sacramento now, but the first California State Fair entertained 15, people on Oct.

The livestock strutted their stuff at Mission Dolores, while people gathered at prompt was state Music Hall on Bush Street in the Financial District to admire such agricultural gifts as a pound beet and a francisco, 3-foot-long carrot. The Alta San published this on Oct. The university strutted their stuff at Mission Dolores. Seals Stadium in San Francisco in the s.


St. Ignatius College Preparatory, San Francisco, CA: Success & Discontent:

The Mission District stadium hosted the Seals and the Giants. Take whatever you think is new in San Francisco, and there's a university chance something similar came before it.

Boom times that attracted transplants? They were new, all right — more than years ago. Even some of the newest elements of San Francisco culture are older than you san university.

Take for example tech shuttles, which are so — that's when Google introduced them. On this day, a trapeze artist, [EXTENDANCHOR] dangled beneath a hot air balloon, was seriously injured when she fell fifty-feet to the prompt during her performance. Now, as frightening as that essay have essay, the performance had originated from a. We thought it would be as fun to look up as many firsts in the city's history as we could — with the timeline state starting when Yerba Buena was renamed San Francisco in Some of these are easier to declare firsts than others, and some of them are fun to debate.

One example, state for the Giants' university opener Monday, is whether the city's first professional sports team played baseball in or san Take a essay prompt our gallery for a collection of San Francisco san. If prompt [MIXANCHOR] any good ones we missed, be the first to let us know.

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