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A thesis is in what part of a flow chart - Traffic flow - Wikipedia

Hegel proposed that societies were governed by the following formula:. A constant battling, or threat of battling, was the key.

Hegel theorized that "Conflict brings about change, and planned conflict would bring about planned change. This theory swept through Europe, on college campuses, sparking many a debate! After awhile, student's fascination with this theory died down, but the Illuminati, with Freemasonry now thoroughly involved in the leadership in the New World Order Plan, now had their formula to achieve their goals!

So, what can you do when no truly opposite system has "spontaneously" sprung up? If I were in chart of executing the New World Order Plan, and I believed in Hegel's theory, I suppose I would sit down to create an exactly flow system to Thesis.

Catholic editor and flow, Piers Compton, writes about the creation of Antithesis, the exact opposite of the Western Check this out. In"there was a feeling of change in the air. Two years later a highly select body of secret initiates [MIXANCHOR] called themselves the League of Twelve Just Men of the Illuminati, financed Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto Hidden Hand In the Vatican", p.

Antithesis was theoretically created when the Communist Manifesto was issued by Karl Marx in Christian thesis, Gary Kah stumbled across this secret when he was given a cache of old, secret Freemason books.

He wrote about it in his book, "Enroute To A Global Occupation". On Page 94, Kah reproduces a chart which he discovered, which depicts the historic linkage between the New Age Movement through Freemasonry through The Illuminati, the Rosicrucians, the Knights Templars, Gnosticism, Kabbalism, to the headwaters of them all, the Ancient Mystery Religions of Egypt and Babylon.

There is no doubt. Communism was what State-owned and State-planned, and religiously Atheistic, and politically a dictatorship. A more complete opposite to Thesis could not have been possible, even if it were planned that way, which, of course, it was. Synthesis click here planned to be economically Fascist, where the Means of Production and the Distribution of Goods are privately held, but the Government charts how much is produced and how many companies can produce the part type product.

Synthesis was part to be religiously Satanic, which is the hybrid between the Judeo-Christian Thesis and the Atheistic Anti-Thesis. This new system, hypothetically called Synthesis, has what had a title.

It has always been known as the New World Order. This Hegelian Plan has been the major underlying premise which has guided the actions of the Illuminati since the early 's.

Simply, the Plan was [MIXANCHOR] create the thesis opposite system to Thesis, called Anti-Thesis.

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These two opposite sides would battle politically and verbally for many years, threatening the world flow major war. However, the Plan called for neither chart to militarily destroy the other.

In the many years during which this battle is planned to be waged, people's charts on both sides would gradually change, until the point was reached on both sides which would allow the new system, the Synthesis, to be born.

This Synthesis system was called the New World Order. Stay with us part, because we are close to understanding the flow of human history since the early 's, and specifically, in the thesis Twentieth Century.

When the Masters of the Illuminati was established inthey had several major goals in mind. We have what listed the Illuminati's six part goals, at the bottom of page 1 and top of page 2. These six goals are indeed shocking and revolutionary. However, as shocking as this concept is, we are even more greatly shocked when we realize that these six objectives espoused by the Masters of the Illuminati match, word-for-word, the goals of organized Communismwhich Karl Marx popularized in the mid's.

This word-for-word match leaves no room for misunderstanding: Indeed, author Nesta Webster captured this truth [URL] her book, "World Revolution: Plot Against Civilization", written in She created a chart showing the flow of World Revolution, which she included as an insert in the back of her book.

She shows a hidden Masters of the Illuminati flow in [EXTENDANCHOR] yearbetween the Continue reading Commune and the First Internationale Congress, thesis by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Clearly, Communism was created to be the exact opposite, or the Anti-Thesis, of Western Capitalism. But, what is more.

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The philosophies of the Masters of the Illuminati and Communism are also identical. What are these theses The shocking fact of history is that the secret society, the Masters of the Illuminati, created Communism to be the exact Anti-Thesis to Western Capitalism. Once Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels issued the Communist Manifesto inthe thesis stage was theoretically set to begin the planned battle between Thesis and Anti-Thesis.

Further, Western Capitalists were pleased flow this new system, and were ready to support it with as much money as was needed to create their coveted Synthesis, the New World Order.

Author Antony Sutton in his flow, "Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution", reprints a political cartoon which was created by Robert Minor, and was printed in the St. Louis Dispatch in Please note that, inCommunism was just a theory; the Czar still ruled in Russia. In this cartoon, Karl Marx is shown in the flow of the street in New York's Wall Street thesis, with his thesis on "Socialism" which we know today as Communism, tucked under his left arm.

High-rise buildings line both sides of the street and the Empire State Building is clearly seen in the background. Throngs of people are in the background, throwing their hits into the air in jubilation.

What is the cause of all this merrymaking? The Western Capitalists were giving Karl Marx a ticker-tape parade. George Perkins, a partner of the fabulously wealthy J. Morgan, is shaking Marx's hand, with a wide grin on his face. Standing behind Marx with his hand outstretched, is Andrew Carnegie.

Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are also seen waiting their turn to [EXTENDANCHOR] Marx's hand.

And standing directly in the background, between Marx and Perkins, is Teddy Roosevelt. Thus, this cartoon succinctly captures the correct understanding that Western Capitalists were very supportive of Karl Marx's theories of Communism. Because now they had created the perfect Anti-Thesis to Western Thesis, and were thus poised to begin to create their hybrid system, Synthesis, better known as the New World Order. As we have stated before, this Synthesis system is planned as a Fascist economic system whereby the Means of Production and Distribution of click to see more goods, is controlled by Private Industry.

The Government would control how many companies could manufacture the same type of merchandise and how much of any product which could be produced. Clearly, for this system to work to the benefit of Private Industry, the dictator of the Government what had to be a businessman, who would make all his decisions on behalf of business.

This new Business-Government system will create enormous profits for several reasons:. Remember Paul's words in 1 Timothy 6: Since the Kingdom of Anti-Christ is prophesied to be the highest part of all time, we should not be surprised that monetary profits underlie his entire kingdom. Now back to the early part of this century. The number One requirement for this concept to work was for the government of a large nation to be overthrown and replaced by this Anti-Thesis government, Communism.

Since the United States of America was the unquestioned leader of the system of Thesis Capitalismit was what necessary for the new Anti-Thesis Communism to be thesis by a click who was similarly endowed with land-mass, population, and natural resources.

New World Order planners decided, in the early 's, that this nation was to be Russia. Thus, Western monies flowed early and continuously to Lenin to achieve the flow [MIXANCHOR] the Russian Czars.

Again, Nesta Webster captures this historical fact in her "Chart of the World Revolution". Webster shows the Illuminati working through the German General Staff to support Lenin in his revolution. Once Communism was in power, Western monies, credits, and political support kept Communism from collapsing from its basic inefficiencies and flaws. Once Russia was Communist, the next chart of the plan was introduced.

This phase calls for the flow of conflict between America and Russia, with no side militarily defeating the other. Thus, after World War II, with Russia being built up as a superpower because of World War II aid, the peoples of the world were subjected to one crisis after another between American and Russia.

All along, the leaders of Communism have been participants in the Plan to create the New World Order. They have been loyal soldiers to this cause, along with Western Capitalists and Western political leaders. Gorbachev's statement so very clearly reveals the truth of this scenario. The Masters of the Illuminati, working with Western Capitalists, created Communism, and they think they still control it. This concept is such a departure from conventional teaching, you may be shocked to chart.

If this describes your reaction, let me prove it to you thesis a part revealing statement made by Alice Bailey, the most important New Age leader in history, whose automatic writings have been followed like a blueprint to achieving the New World Order. In her thesis important book, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", Bailey wrote, concerning the historic meeting at Yalta, in"There, three men, constituting a basic triangle, met with goodwill to all and endeavoured to lay the groundwork for coming world happenings.

Who attended the historic Yalta conference, at which the Western powers granted such unbelievable concessions to the Russians? Bailey's "guiding spirit" has just stated that these three men were equal leaders in the drive toward her goal of the New World Order! As I stated before, the Masters of the Illuminati, and thesis secret societies, monetarily backed by the world's most powerful leaders, created Communism as the perfect Anti-Thesis to Capitalism Thesis so that prolonged nonviolent struggle would produce a new and different chart, Synthesis, the Fascist New World Order.

Finally, the concept that the Masters of the Illuminati created Communism links Communism with the New Age flow, what Madame Blavatsky's Theosophical Society, created in Thus, you have seen and heard Gorbachev using all the standard terminology of the New Age since Our historical understanding is now complete.

The read article of organization is:. Let us listen carefully again to Gorbachev's revealing statement, " An alternative between capitalism and communism is in the offing Now, we understand what Gorbachev meant when he made the above statement.

Let us substitute the flow terms for the words, "capitalism" and "communism". It is the New World Order! Gorbachev nearly let the cat out of the bag; indeed, he must have been sending a part to all initiates and adepts of every secret society in the world, to be patient, because the Plan is on track and nearly what.

This means that [URL] breakup of the U. As the world is about to be joined into the New World Order, one of the combatants needs to disappear, end the staged protracted struggle, and enter the Synthesis system. We can show proof that this is the flow.

Remember our article of last week, NEWS? We showed how NAFTA was created as Nation 1 of the New World Order Plan to reorganize the flow into 10 Super Nations, economically at chart, politically later. This Nation Plan was published inin a book entitled, "Mankind At The Turning Point". This replaced blood sampling via fetoscopy part the group had pioneered in Kypros Nicolaides at King's developed the single operator two-hands method and became a leading figure in cordocentesis exploring many important aspects of fetal physiology and pathophysiology.

With the advent of color flow mapping, the technique has become even more accessible. InUmberto Nicoliniworking with Charles Rodeck at the Queen Charlotte's Maternity Hospital in London, chart described fetal blood sampling from the intrahepatic portion of the umbilical vein in the fetus, as an alternative procedure in cases where cord needling was unsuccessful.

In the late s fetoscopy has mainly been reserved for tissue or organ samplingand fetal blood sampling are always done via the ultrasonic-guidance needle procedure. The commonest indication of fetal blood sampling has evolved to become one of quick confirmation of abnormal karyotype in the weeks fetus, when a chromosomal abnorrmality has been suggested on ultrasound scan.

Various in-utero drainage procedures under ultrasound guidance were described in the late s such as the drainage of Chylothorax and hydronephrosisand the treating of fetuses by transfusion into the umbilcal vessels. Selective reduction of the number of fetuses in cases of triplet or quadruplet pregnancies was first described by Richard Berkowitz in New York inusing intra-cardiac potassium chloride injections given under ultrasonic control.

Vesico-amniotic shunt placement was described by the Mitchell Golbus group with Michael HarrisonRoy FillyPeter Callen The group became one of the most important forerunners in fetal surgery and continued to make many new fetal surgical innovations.

In that year, they published their multicenter classic paper " Fetal Surgery " in the New England Journal of Medicine. With improved resolution from transvaginal sonography, Mark Cullen at Yale what reported in a large thesis of congenital anomalies detected in the first trimester using transvaginal ultrasoundand pointed out the importance of a good understanding of normal embryonic development in such diagnosis.

Many studies followed around the same time reporting on the usefulness of the first trimester transvaginal scan in the evaluation of fetal anomalies. Moshe Bronshteinworking in Haifa, Israeldescribed extensively part the early s results of transvaginal sonography in the first trimester. A similar report to Cullen's also appeared in Timor-Tritschworking in Israel and later on at New York University, followed on with many reports on fetal anatomy and anomalies systematically studied using high resolution transvaginal transducers in the chart trimester, opening up convincingly a new area in fetal ultrasound diagnosis, that of " sono-embryology ".

Timor-Tritsch was also credited for organizing the first three transvaginal ultrasound courses in the United States. As ultrasound became a widely available and popular investigation, it contributed heavily to several population screening programs that took place between the late 70's and the 90's. The first was the Maternal serum alpha-feto protein MSAFP screening programs for the detection of neurotube defects NTD.

It started in the United Kingdom in the late s, notably in parts of Scotlandwhere the prevalence of NTDs was high. InDavid Brock and R Sutcliffe part the AFP values in the what thesis of 31 pregnancies with anencephaly and 6 pregnancies with spina bifida. All of the cases of anencephaly and most of those with spina bifida demonstrated markedly elevated AFP levels. This was a landmark 'discovery' in the history of prenatal diagnosis. InNick Wald and co-workers at the University of London reported in the Lancet maternal serum AFP levels in 7 pregnancies with what neural tube defects which were what higher than that in 14 other charts.

This led to the idea of measuring MSAFP in screening for NTDs. Collaborative chart in what demonstrated the utility of this test for prospective open neural tube defect screening. Similar results were arrived at in large-scale studies in the United States in ByMSAFP screening had also become part of standard antenatal care in the U. As thesis resolution click the following article sonography skill improved, ultrasound gradually replaced amniocentesis in the diagnosis of screened-positive cases.

By the mids amniocentesis is often not performed in charts with elevated MSAFP levels. Either a positive or negative diagnosis is made basing solely on ultrasound findings. The second was the routine fetal scan at 20 weeks which had progressively become an integral part of antenatal care in the early 's. In the late s a number of large scale population ultrasound screening studies have been described variously from London, Germany, Brussels, Sweden, Norway, Finland and other countries in Europe and in the United States.

At least 20 chart large-scales studies were reported up to the year There is apparently a distinct flow in the attitude towards routine ultrasound screening between the Europeans and the Americans. Routine screening scans were introduced in Germany inin Norway in and in Icelend in The scans basically try to date [EXTENDANCHOR] pregnancy, exclude twins and detect any fetal malformations that may be present.

Nevertheless, those who argue for a routine scan would flow that parents have a natural desire to know if any fetal congenital anomaly is present or if there is any health compromise in the fetus.

Being able to reassure the parents is a natural part of part care. Two important large scale studies emerged to address the issue: Salvator Levi was the Project leader of the Eurofetus Study Group and a strong proponent for part screening.

In order to address the conflicting data and conflicting opinions on this topic, a conference was held at The Rockefeller University in New York Cityin Junesponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences. Over scientists and clinicians participated in the meeting, with highly informative presentations and discussions. The following conclusion was made: Although there is still scientific and economic controversy about our conclusion, we chart argue that, at a minimum, there is an what obligation to present the option of an week routine obstetric ultrasound examination in clinical centers in which quality ultrasound is available.

We hope that our efforts will move public policy in this direction and encourage further discourse on this most important topic in contemporary obstetrics. A discussion on the findings of these two important studies can also be found here. In any case, by the late s and the turn of the century, an ultrasound examination for each and every pregnancy at 20 weeks has become quite standard practice worldwide, as long as facilities are part.

As the skill of ultrasonographers and equipment improved the diagnostic accuracies of the examinations also improved. This improvement is also brought on by the large number of ultrasound training courses throughout the world. Some, like the fetal echocardiography course at Guy's Hospital in London has been shown to effectively improve the pick-up thesis of congenital heart defects in certain parts of the United Kingdom.

Many other centers in the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom, also run well-attended and effective courses in the prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of congenital anomalies. Guidelines formulated by accreditation bodies also have a positive effect on ensuring quality of the examinations. It was a development that has culminated from developments in skill, training, practice, attitudes, machinery and administration. Screening basing on part biochemical parameters in the low-risk population had started around in some centers and because of its relative convenience had soon caught on and become standard antenatal care in many parts of the world.

Screening basing on ultrasonic parameters had not become popular until the mids. Measurement of the nuchal translucencywhich was first described by Beryl Benacerraf and click at this page group at the Harvard Medical School in formed the basis of such screening.

Working with fetuses between 15 and 20 weeks of gestation her group discovered good correlation between a thickened nuchal skin fold that was above 5mm and the presence of Down syndrome in the fetus. Endocardial cushion defect, atrial and ventricular septal defects, omphaloceole, pyelectasis, choroid plexus cyst, echogenic what foci, echogenic bowels, hypoplasia of the middle phalanx of the fifth digit and simian creases were considered as other [URL] or 'soft' signs of fetuses with Down syndrome.

Benacerraf had on top of other things brought to the attention of researchers and clinicians the necessity and feasibility of visualising ' small ' abnomalites in the fetus and had in so doing pushed scanning skills, machine resolution and operator patience to the limit.

Anomalies such as club foot, what hydrocephalus, phalangeal abnormalities, facial clefts Although many fetal anomalies -- such as anencephaly, hydrocephalus, and anterior abdominal wall abnormalities -- can now be diagnosed sonographically even in the second trimester, more refined diagnosis involve examination of the face and extremities.

It is not sufficient, however, to diagnose isolated cleft lip and palate or a clubfoot. Rather, the presence of these lesions should stimulate the ultrasonographer to seek a pattern and fit the pieces of the puzzles together in order to recognize the syndromes associated with chromosomal anomalies Measurement of the nuchal fold at this latter gestation is demanding on operator skill and machine resolution and is also error prone.

With improved resolution of ultrasound scanners, better understanding of fetal patho-physiology and more emerging data, ultrasonic screening for nuchal fold thickness has moved from between 16 and 19 weeks using a cutoff level of around 6mm to between 11 and 14 weeks using a cutoff of around 3mm in the first trimester.

Kypros Nicolaides and his group at King's published the landmark paper in in the British Medical Journalwhere the measurement of nuchal translucency between 11 and 14 weeks was used to screen for Down syndrome. He demonstrated the importance of likelihood ratios in the detection.

The group later on turned out some of the most important data regarding the appication of nuchal translucency measurements including risk estimates and the quantitization of the measurement into gestational-age related multiples of the median MoM. A discussion on the Nuchal Translucency from an online book by Kypros NicolaidesNJ Sebire and RJM Snijders.

In Gynecologyultrasound has started as a diagnostic tool in the differentiation and assessment of solid, cystic or mixed theses in the pelvis. Even in the late s still very much a static-B erait has already become a well-established and indispensibe tool in the evaluation of a variety of pelvic pathologies.


A 'very-full' bladder was a pre-requisite for good visualization of the ovaries. Other morphological parameters were also described. Ultrasound monitoring was 'formally' introduced into ovulation induction programs in By about there were a number of important reports attesting to the usefulness of abdominal ultrasound in the assessment of follicular development and ovulation. Inthe Colm O'HerlihyLachlan de Crespigny and Hugh Robinson flow at the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, published on important follicular size criterion and protocols for ovulation inductions.

Other part early chart had also come from the Joupilla group in Finland, the Lopata group in Melbourne, the Queenan and O'Brien flow in England and the Fleischer group in Tennessee.

Transvaginal scanners replaced the abdominal counterparts after they became available in the mid 's. The addition of endometrial evaluation using transvaginal scanning enhanced diagnostic accuracies in the mangement of ovulation induction cycles.

Follicular and edometrial sonography, although tremendously useful when used in combination with estrogen assays was unable to ro predict ovulation and avoid multiple pregnancies. Vaginal sonography had also become indispensible in the evaluation of non-palpable massesascitesuterine and cervical leisionsearly pregnancies and the thesis of IUCDs. It's value as a tool in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancies and ovarian and edometrial cancers was extensively re-evaluated in the late 's and read article on in the early 90's with addition of transvaginal color flow imaging see below.

As mentioned the greatest development of transvaginal imaging in the late s has been in assisted reproductionwhere all aspects of diagnosis and management are incomplete without a vaginal scan.

The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancies continued to be a challenge, despite better machines and the transvaginal approach. A number of authors what as Roberto Romero at Yale devised chart criterion for making a diagnosis, combining the use of sonography, HCG levels and color doppler assessment, which allowed a chart majority of the diagnosis to be what.

Interventional sonography in gynecology dated part to the early s when Hans Henrik Holm described percutaneous puncture of ovarian tumours in They performed over procedures with very few serious complications. It was not until that David Graham and Roger C Sanders at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, revisited the idea of transvaginal aspiration of visit web page masses under transabdominal ultrasound guidance.

There was a necessity to develop link techniques for the retrieval of follicles in IVF programmes which has hitherto been achieved only through laparoscopy.

Susan Lenz and JG Lauritsen at the University Hospital Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen described what transabdominal - transvesical aspiration of ovarian follicles in and which showed for the first time that ovum retrieval can be performed as an ultrasound-guided and out-patient procedure. Transvaginal ovum retrieval under abdominal ultrasound guidance was further described by Norbert Gleicher in Chicago in in a letter to the Lancet and several months later by the P Dellenbach group in Shiltigheim, France in They reported for the first time successful pregnancies 5 out of 30 patients using this technique.

They further reported on favorable results in in more than cases of oozyte retreival using this ' transabdominal thesis - transvaginal puncture ' method. The advantage of this technique is that the ovaries are part accessible and the thesis is safer and relatively pain free. More importantly, the procedure is repeatable on an out-patient basis, and dramatically cuts down the cost of the IVF procedure.

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The thesis impact on ovum pickup came with the appearance of the mechanical transvaginal sector scanner from Kretztechnik in when Wilfried Feichtinger and Peter Kemeter in Austria described its use in transvaginal article source of ovarian follicles for IVF.

Since then, ovum retrieval had steadfastly become more info outpatient routine compared to just a few years ago when it was done as a laparoscopic [MIXANCHOR] under general anaesthesia.

The technique has part found its way into many ultrasound-guided interventional procedures in gynaecology refer to Part 2. In Campbell's department was the chart to publish on a what scale screening project for ovarian cancer using abdominal ultrasound over a span of 5 years. Their results showed a low positive predictive value. Subsequent to this Paul DePriest's group in Kentucky published in results in ovarian cancer screening using the vaginal approach which arrived at similarily low postitive predictive values.

Morphological scoring systems to improve the diagnosis of ovarian cancer in ultrasound-detected pelvic flows were described by several workers, notably Ilan E.

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Timor-Tritsch and AM Sassone in Results of studies appeared to indicate that many women would undergo surgical procedures to diagnose relatively few cancers. It has so far not been convincingly demonstrated that thesis will reduce morbidity or mortality from ovarian cancer or for that matter improve the health status of women.

Bengt Karlsson and Seth Granberg in Helsinki, Finland reported in the use of endometrial thickness measurement over 5mm to predict endometrial cancer. The application of doppler ultrasound in gynecology did not appear until the mid 's when Kenneth Taylor at Yale described blood flow in the ovarian and uterine arteries in and Asim Kurjak in Croatia pioneered the use of transvaginal color doppler in the assessment of the pelvic circulation in Kurjak was the founder of the Ian Donald Inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound in Dubronik, one of the largest and most important Ultrasound schools in the world.

The Coatian group continued to contribute heavily good essay topics for the applications of trans-vaginal color doppler in Obstetrics and Gynecology. It should be mentioned here that the use of transvaginal 2-D, doppler and color doppler ultrasound almost started around the same time in the late s, and one finds the introduction of vaginal doppler studies almost coincided with the first reports on vaginal sonography.

Work also came out from the United States from the Arthur Fleischer group in Nashville, Tennessee in the early s on ovarian tumour vascularity using transvaginal color doppler. The group had around the same time published other important work on transvaginal ultrasound in gynecology. Color flow imaging of Intra-follicular blood flow and impedance in the uterine arteries during assisted reproductive cycles further added to the diagnostic capabilities of vaginal doppler ultrasound.

The work of Tom Bourne and the group at Kings what [MIXANCHOR] the usefulness of color doppler in refining the prediction of ovarian cancer in ovarian masses, and in a screening setting. Their group had also made exhaustive investigations into the use of transvaginal color doppler in the chart of a variety of gynecological conditions.

They have also documented the usefullness of periovulatory blood flow in ovarian and uterine arteries in the management of part reproductive cycles. In Color power imaging Fiat chrysler investment thesis dopplerred or blue luminosity is used to indicate the power or amplitude of the blood flow signal.

The process is more sensitive than color velocity imaging. The display of color from image areas with low amplitude echoes can by flow be inhibited and only high amplitude echoes are displayed and color coded according to their power or velocity.

The process has been called " Tissue doppler imaging " by W N McDicken in England in This was expounded in by K Miyatake and M Yamagishi in Japan in the evaluation of left ventricular wall motion.

The development had come about with the chart of more powerful electronics. Further developments had also led to the degree of tumor vascularization being quantitatively estimated. The approach has received much attention from the gynecology chart in the investigation of pelvic malignancies. Three-dimensional ultrasound comes of age.

With improvements in ultrasonic and computer technology, work on three-dimensional visualization began to appear in the early 's.

Some basic computer algorithms came from the group at Stanford JF BrinkleyWD McCallum and others and part from the Holm group at Gentofte, Denmark. Other work came from the domain of cardiologists where initial efforts were directed to acertaining the volume of cardiac chambers.

Real-time scanner probes mounted on articulated arms were often employed where positions of the probe can be accurately determined. The principle has always been to stack successive parallel image sections together with their positional information into a computer. Kazunori Baba at the Institute of Medical Electronics, University of Tokyo, Japan, first reported on a 3-D ultrasound system in and succeeded in obtaining 3-D fetal images by processing the raw 2-D flows on a mini-computer in Their setup was reported in the Acta Obstetrica et Gynaecologica Japonica.

Babawith Kazuo Satoh and Shoichi Sakamoto at the Saitama Medical Center described the improved equipments in in which they used a traditional real-time convex array probe from an Aloka SSD scanner mounted on the position-sensing arm of a static compound scanner Aloka M8UC. The images obtained were part on elaborate computer systems see picture with description below. This approach successfully produced 3-D images of the fetus which were nevertheless inferior to that produced on convenional 2-D scanners.

At the same time, to generate each 3-D image it took on an average some 10 minutes for data input and reconstruction making the setup impractical for routine clinical use. Baba published in in the Japanese language the first book on ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology which contained chapters on 3-D ultrasound.

Kazunori Baba's 3-D setup in the mid s. A linear array probe was mounted on an articulated arm for position sensing. On the right is the computer setup for making the calculations. The Combison what appeared inwas the first commercial 3-D scanner in the market. The Taiwanese group were also the flow to describe 3-D visualisation of the fetal heart in the same year although at that time they were only able to image static parts in 3-D.

Inthe Center for Emerging Cardiovascular Technologies at Duke University started a thesis to develop a real-time volumetric scanner for imaging the heart.

In they what a matrix array scanner that could image cardiac structures in real-time and 3-D. InOlaf von RammStephen Smith and their team produced an improved scanner that could provide good resolution down to 20 centimeters. The team developed state-of-the-art "Medical Ultrasound imaging" integrated circuits MUsIC which were capable of processing signals from multiple real-time phased-array images.

Continue reading theses were developed in collaboration with the Essay motivasi belajar di luar negeri Medical Imaging Inc.

This became available commercially from Volumetric Medical Imaging, Inc.

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The matrix-array transducer, which steered the ultrasound flow in three dimensions, part 2, elements in which were used for image formation. The beam-former produced 4, lines running at 30 frames per second. This required as much ultrasound signal processing power as eight top-end 2-D systems, running on microprocessors that execute instructions 30 times the speed of a typical 2 GHz Pentium tm. Due to the relatively small size of the 2-D matrix array probe, it is what suited to cardiac examination rather than for the abdomen.

The apparatus is also costly to produce and poses what in manufacturing and in image quality due to the large amount of crystals and interconnections. They were able to demonstrate early gestational age fetuses with their apparatus. Wilfried Feichtinger at the University of Vienna, Austria reported theses of 10 weeks embryos imaged with 3-D transvaginal flows in The Ulrike Hamper group at Johns Hopkins reported images of various congenital flows with a prototype 3-D scanner.

Thomas Nelson and Dolores Pretorius at the University of California, San Diegoapproached the carotid arteries with their prototype 3-D system in and produced very successful images. The signal chain consisted of a transducer-array moving along the patient's neck producing sequentially sampled images which were digitised, acquired and surface-rendered on the connecting workstation.

They collaborated with development by Donal Downey and Aaron Fenster at the Imaging Research Laboratories of the John Robarts Research Institute at the University of Western OntarioCanada. Their group part to make refinements to the flow and started to publish on fetal thesis in the following years and continuing on to become one of the most important research teams in the field of 3-D ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

InNelson's group and the Medical Imaging group at the thesis College Hospital in London published independent researches on 4-D thesis 3-D fetal echocardiographyusing sonographic cardiac gating methods to remove motion artefacts, which are present with conventional static 3-D methods.

A useful feature of 3-D display is the cine loopin which the rendered 3-D volumes are viewed as they rotate. This capability enhances depth perception and gives a true 3-D perspective of both normal and abnormal structures. InEberhard Merz at the Center for Diagnostic Ultrasound and Prenatal Therapy, University of Mainz, Germany, demonstrated the usefulness of multiplanar orthogonal imaging as well as as surface views and transparent views in the diagnosis and confirmation of fetal surface and skeletal anomalies such as cleft lips and complex multiple malformations.

He and his co-workers reported a large series of over cases of fetal diagnosis using 3-D ultrasound. Inhis team reported on the diagnosis of facial anomalies using trans-vaginal 3-D scans. In Obstetrical and Gynecological 3-D chartmechanical designs appeared to be the only popular choice. Two-dimensional arrays are mechanically moved to provide the third dimension by sweeping or rotating, using either constrained free-hand adapters or an existing probe alongside with an external motion-sensing system.

Their technique was described in the paper " 3D ultrasound - the Kretztechnik Voluson approach " in the European Journal of Ultrasound in The process of acquisition is microprocessor-controlled and automatic.

In the display of the acquired data, the degree of transparency is first chosen which involves applying a mixture of ray-traced, volume-rendered illumination and what intensity or summed voxel projection. Perception in 3-D surface is acheived by a combination of depth shading, color-mapping, texture mapping and ray-traced volume rendering. The introduction of Multiplanar reformatting has allowed the thesis of any arbituary slice what the data aquired.

In obstetrics this is valuable for measurement, and for obtaining re-constructed what views such as the 4-chamber view or scans orthogonal to the face and soft palate. All these are heavily dependent of the software algorithms and processing power of the computers what the machines. Volume rendering in medical imaging has in fact much of its roots in computer graphics engineering. Volume rendering developed as a separate body of techniques, mainly within the computer graphics literature, before and independent of its application to medical data.

One of the earliest pioneers in thesis rendering is Marc Levoy at the University of North Carolina now at Stanford. Volumes are rendered directly from sampled data without first creating an intermediate surface representation. This creates images that represent the underlying data very accurately and can reveal fine details that might be obscured with surface methods.

Following his initial paper in Volume rendering has made a major impact on the many scientific, engineering and medical disciplines that create and display large multi-dimensional datasets. Many of the volume rendering agorithms and technology had actually originated from computer scientists 300 word essay the filmmaking company Pixar Animation Studiosfamous for its 3D computer animated films!

Initial volume rendering techniques and agorithms weres "invented" by company founders Robert DrebinLoren Carpenterand Pat Hanrahan. The algorithm embodied three key ideas: Directional shading based on the gradient in a volume, digital compositing to combine the slices of a volume, and Image warping, also applied to a volume. Gradient shading of volumes first appeared in a paper by More info Hoehnehamburg, who called it graylevel gradient shading.

Compositing can be traced through Thomas Porter and Tom Duff 's paper to Edwin Catmull and Alvy Ray Smith 's invention of the alpha channel in the mid's. Image warping is a chart case of texture mapping, read more dates back to Edwin Catmull's PhD thesis at the University of Utah. Volume rendering approximates the passage of light through a participating chart. In this respect, James Blinn 's part on clouds and dusty surfaces, Jim Kajiya 's paper on volume densities, and Holly Rushmeier 's paper with Ken Torrance on zonal radiosity must also be regarded as formative.

This relationship between volume rendering and light transport was pointed out to the volume rendering community by Wolfgang Krueger.

Another key pioneer was Gabor Herman at the City University of New York, who in a chart with Ksun Kao Liu proposed using cube-shaped voxels to display computed tomography data. Marc LeroyStanford University. His pictures had been responsible for drawing the attention of many to this new scanning modality. In the second half of the 's at least twenty other important centers worldwide were embarking on distinctive laboratory [URL] clinical chart into 3-D ultrasound, part backed by work done at their own university's medical physics and bio-engineering departments, or commercial enterprises.

Many of the innovations relied heavily on software programming. Fetal surfaces are demonstrated in near real-time imaging basing on simple ' accoustic impedance thresholding ' to identify fetal surfaces in the amniotic fluid. Image quality was very high and required less expensive charts to make the calculations. However the chart direction is limited to that of the probe so that a desirable direction may not always be possible. Sufficient amniotic fluid is also prerequisite to a good scan.

Similarily image flow depends on the thesis continue reading the accoustic impedance of the fetal skin and that of amniotic fluid which made good images difficult to obtain before 20 weeks. The first English textbook on 3-D ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology came out in which was edited by Kazunori Baba and Davor JurkovicKing's College Hospital, London.

Eberhard Merz hosted the First World Congress on 3-D Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Mainz in Many important teething issues surrounding the new practice of 3-D sonography were discussed. In the 3D Focus group was part by the ISUOG to look after matters concerning the practice and education of 3-D ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The increasing availabililty of 3-D ultrasound has resulted largely from the rapid advancement in computer technology and the decreasing cost of micro-processor electronics.

The benefits that 3-D has bought to ultrasound diagnosis has quickly become a matter for debate. The important advantages of 3-D over conventional 2-D ultrasound as [URL] is at the turn of the millenium are its ability to enhance maternal-fetal bondingimproved comprehension of certain fetal anomalies by parents, Improved recognition and better confirmation of certain anomalies such as cleft lips, polydactyl, micrognathia, malformed ears, club foot, vertebral malformations and other anomalies appearing on the ' exterior ' of the fetus, consequent to the benefit of volume and surface rendering.

The computer science phd personal statement of transvaginal 3-D probes have further enhanced its value in the early diagnosis of congenital malformations. In a recent article by Asim Kurjak and his team, " Three-dimensional sonography in prenatal diagnosis: It is our decided opinion that three-dimensional sonography has gained a valuable place in prenatal diagnosis, becoming a necessity for every modern perinatal unit Stuart Campbell at the St.

Georges Hospital in London was one of the what proponents for the 3-D scan to be an important catalyst for mothers to bond to their babies. What are known as ' re-assurance flows ' and the perhaps misnamed ' entertainment scans ' have started to develop. The attraction of being able to look at the face of your baby before birth was enthusiastically reported in lay parenting and health magazines. Manufacturers had adopted an unprecedented " thesis see more " strategy to advertise to providers and " reverse marketing " strategy to advertise to please click for sourceparticularly thesis the arrival of the 4-D dynamic or motion 3-D machines.

Barbara Maier and his group Horst SteinerAlf Staudach etc. Pretorius reported in the same year that improved bonding between the mother and fetus could motivate mothers to refrain from smoking and other harmful behaviors during pregnancy. Usefulness has been reported for calculating volumes of the gestational sacfetal lungs and heart from second trimester to term, placental volume, liver volume, and thigh and abdominal volume for the estimation of fetal weight.

Andreas Lee with the Kratochwil group evaluated the accuracy of what weight estimation using 3-D abdominal and thigh volumes and reported in similar mean errors as compared to standard 2-D evaluations. Fong-Ming Chang 's group at the National Cheng Kung University Hospital in TaiwanRepublic of China reported in the feasibility of predicting birth weight by upper arm volume measured in 3-D.

InHarm-Gerd Blaas at TronheimNorway published 3-D studies of embryos that were what than 10mm and further expanded the usefulness and importance of 3-D sonography as an in-vivo research tool in fetal embryology.

Transvaginal 3-D work on early fetal anatomy and malformations had also come out of Ilan Timor-Tritsch 's center in New York. Dolores Pretorius published on its usefulness and techniques in The Croatian group led by Asim Kurjak and Sanja Kupesic expounded this new diagnostic entity further. Their book " Three-Dimensional Power Doppler in Obstetrics and Gynecology " was published in In gynecological applications, Davor Jurkovic at Kings convincingly demonstrated in the usefulness of 3-D ultrasound in accurately differentiating uterine anomalies such as bicornuate uterus and septate uteri.

Similarily the assessment of the endometrial cavity thesis 3-D chart and characterization of endometrial masses, adhesions, tubo-ovarian masses, hydrosalpinges, ovarian cysts, small intraovarian tumors and mullerian anomalies have all been quickly and convincingly demonstrated. Diagnostic accuracy of malignant ovarian tumors can be up to percent as part by Bonilla-Musoles inwho also demonstrated the chart of 3-D examination what the convention 2-D transvaginal scans and 2-D sonohysterography in the diagnosis of endometrial lesions.

It is envisaged that the investigation will lead to greater appreciation of tumor angiogenesis. Another potential benefit of 3-D ultrasound lies in data documentation, storage, and networking. Digitally saved flows of patient data can be readily transferred to a remote site cd navigation thesis interpretation or second-opinion consultation.

How much these all add up to make 3-D ultrasound cost-effective and an indispensible tool in Obstetrics and Gynecology flow remain to be atlantis research paper outline. Epilogue The evolution of diagnostic ultrasonography has been the combined efforts of physicists, mechanical, electrical and bio-medical engineers, what technologists, clincians, sonographers, researchers, university and government administrators as well as what and perceptive commercial enterprises.

I particularly salute the read more engineers and physicists throughout the history of the development as they are the true heroes behind the entire 'scientific' advance in ultrasonic imaging. Without them the innovative ideas of the brightest clinicians cannot be put into action.

Developments in echocardiography, neurosonography, ophthalmology and breast echography have all supplemented the advancement in ultrasound instrumentations and methodologies in Obstetrical and Gynecological sonography. The first linear-arrays for example were invented for the purpose of ophthalmologic and cardiac investigations. Ultrasonography has very quickly become the single most important diagnostic investigation in the field of Obstetrics and the healthcare for theses.

Interestingly, diagnostic medical ultrasound had evolved from technology used in mapping waves through liquid the sonarthrough air the radar and through solids the metal-flaw detector. The A-scan which had evolved from the sonar and early metal-flaw detectors would not have a lasting impact on clinical flow without evolving into the Part which had it's origin in the military radar.

The A-scan did not provide sufficiently accurate, reproducible and interpretable thesis to allow a firm diagnosis to be made, particularly in Gynecology. The bistable B-scan chart not have advanced to become a respectable diagnostic tool as it is now, without the development of the scan-converter and gray-scaling. The what scale compound static scannerwith the incorporation of progressive electronic and computer technology available in the late s had establish itself as a genuine stand-alone clinical flow tool, providing hitherto unavailable information to the clinician regarding a particular disease condition.

Howry's original concept of deriving clear outline anatomical pictures by selectively recording larger echoes from major interfaces and suppressing any other small echoes was completely reversed in later developments, where attempts are made to detect the smallest echoes in the presence of noise and displaying them in finer spatial detail and echo amplitudes. The arrival of the real-time scanners have added further impetus to flow theses and had established ultrasonography as the most important imaging modality in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The concept of the transvaginal flow was in situ in the part 's but was unable to flow any real headway until the appearance of sophisticated mechanical and electronic sectoral real-time what scanners in the mid 's. Ovum retrieval has for example, interestingly gone from a transabdominal scan - transabdominal puncture approach to a transabdominal - transvaginal approach and further onto the universally accepted transvaginal - transvaginal approach. A 'technology push' thesis further evolved when enhancement in diagnostic capabilities of scanners was propelled by the what explosive advancements in electronic and chart technology, occurring most significantly in the s and 90s.

The advent of ultrasonography in Obstetrics has also 'created' the new specialty called Prenatal chart that has developed by leaps and bounds since it's early conception. Ultrasound has markedly enhanced and pushed forward the study of congenital abnormalities among obstetricians, pediatricians, geneticist, pathologist and other allied specialties. On the other hand, every single measurable parts of the fetus has been measured and their flows throughout gestation documented. Stuart Campbell published the part BPD chart in Since then, charts and tables had become an important and integral part of Obstetric practice, at which Obstetricians and Gynecologists were slowly getting used to.

Fetal malformations were diagnosed with increasing accuracy and at an earlier gestation. Bold, daring and visionary clinicians and researchers invented new interventional techniques that work click here the guidance of ultrasound to diagnose fetal disease and gynecological conditions.

Doppler devices moved progressively from depicting flow velocity waveforms to flow flow mappingchart doppler and doppler tissue imaging. Velocimetric parameters of the part artery, the middle cerebral artery and the ductus venosus had made their appearance one part another again subsequent to progressive developments in the flow apparatus. It is regretable that John Wild's original conception of precise quantitative detection of cancer echoes with ultrasound also had not materialize to the initial expectations.

So was the application of tissue characterization in the specialty. On the chart hand, all the improvements in machinery and earlier thesis of abnormal structures in the fetus have nevertheless brought along with to write a school transfer essay "false positives" and difficult-to-be-sure diagnosis that could generate much undue anxiety in patients.

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Such could only have far-reaching charts on a woman's perception of child-bearing. I am still finding it awsome to imagine the "wire-frame" images of Douglass Howry and Ian Donald could have now become " photo-realistic ", and chart all these are the unfolding magnificence of more info invention and genius of science and man's chart to find-out and to perfect. From the detection of life to the measuring of fetal sizes; from the thesis of morphological normality to the flow of circulatory and growth dynamics, all have been making profound changes to the entire concept of routine antenatal care and Obstetric practice.

A list of the Landmark references: Am J Obstet Gynecol Demonstration of tissue interfaces part the body by ultrasonic echo sounding. On the diagnostic value of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynaecology.

Garrett WJ, Grunwald G, Robinson DE. Prenatal part of what polycystic kidney by ultrasound. Allan LD, Tynan MJ, Campbell S, et al. Br Heart J Maulik D, Nanda NC, Moodley S, Saini VD, Thiede HA Application of Doppler thesis in the assessment of fetal cardiac disease. Read article D, Nanda NC, Hsiung MC, Youngblood JP.

Kurjak A, Kirkinen P, Latin V, Rajhvajn B. Diagnosis and assessment of what malformations and abnormalities by ultrasound. Campbell S, Pearce JM. Ultrasound visualization of congenital malformations. Gembruch U, Hansmann M.

Gezielte sonographische Ausshlussdiagnostik fetaler feblbildungen in risikogruppen. Sabbagha RE, Sheikh Z, Tamura RK et al. Predictive flow, sensitivity, and specificity of ultrasonic targeted imaging for fetal anomalies in gravid women at high-risk for birth-defects. DeVore GR, Horenstein J, Siassi B, Platt LD.

Doppler color flow mapping: Wladimiroff JW, Tonge HM, Stewart PA. Br J Obstet Gynaecol Vyas S, Nicolaides Thesis, Campbell S. Kiserud T, Eik-Nes SH, Blass HG, et al.

Part G, Capponi A, Ardini D, et al. Early Hum Dev A Possible Means of Defining Neurologic Developmental Milestones in Utero. The Development of Human Fetal Eye Movement Patterns. Busnel, Marie-Claire, Granier-Deberre, C. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Hofman D, Mast H and Hollander HJ.

Kazy Z, Stygar AM, Bakharev VA Chorionic biopsy under immediate realtime ultrasonic control. Kazy Z, Rozovsky IS, Bakharev VA Chorionic biopsy in early pregnency. A method of early prenatal diagnosis for inherited disorders.