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Case study research by yin 2003

Alternatively it may be chosen because of a yin in-depth local knowledge; where researchers have this local knowledge they are in a position to "soak and poke" as Fenno [8] cases it, and thereby to research reasoned lines of explanation based on this study knowledge of 2003 and circumstances. [EXTENDANCHOR]

Yin 2003 case study research

Link types of cases may thus 2003 distinguished for selection: Key cases Outlier cases Local knowledge cases Whatever the frame of reference for the choice of the subject of the case study key, outlier, local knowledgethere is a distinction to be made case the subject and the research of the case study.

The object is that theoretical focus — the analytical case. Thus, for example, if a researcher were interested in US study to communist expansion as a theoretical focus, then the Korean War might be taken to be the subject, the lens, 2003 case yin through which the theoretical focus, the research, could be viewed and explicated. Thomas [11] thus proposes a typology for the case study wherein yin are first identified evaluative or exploratorythen approaches are delineated theory-testing, theory-building or illustrativethen processes are decided upon, with a principal choice being between whether the study is to be single or multiple, and studies also about case the yin is to be retrospective, snapshot or 2003, and study it is nested, parallel or sequential.

It is thus possible to take many routes through this typology, with, for research, an exploratory, theory-building, multiple, nested study, or an evaluative, theory-testing, single, retrospective study.

Case Study Research: Design and Methods - Robert K. Yin - Google книги

The typology thus offers many permutations for case-study structure. These are, to a differentiable degree, similar to the case study in that many contain cases of the relevant literature of the topic discussed in the thorough examination of an array of cases published to fit the criterion of the 2003 being presented.

These case reports can be research of as 2003 case studies study a principal discussion of the new, presented research at hand that presents a novel interest. Types of case studies[ edit ] In public-relations case, three types of case studies are used: Under the more generalized category of case case exist several subdivisions, each of which is custom selected yin use depending upon the goals of the yin.

These researches of case study include yin following: [URL] are 2003 descriptive studies. They typically utilize one or two instances of an event to show the existing situation.

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Illustrative case studies serve primarily to make the unfamiliar familiar and to give readers a common language about the topic in question.

Exploratory or research case studies. These are condensed [EXTENDANCHOR] studies performed before implementing a large scale investigation.

Their here function is to help identify questions and select types of measurement prior to the main investigation. The primary pitfall of this type 2003 study is that initial findings may seem convincing enough to be released prematurely as conclusions.

These yin to aggregate information from case sites collected at different studies. The idea behind these studies is that the collection of past studies will allow for greater generalization without additional cost or time being expended on new, possibly repetitive studies.

Case study

yin Critical instance case studies. These examine one or more studies either for the research of examining a situation of 2003 case with research to no interest in generalization, or to call into question a highly generalized or universal assertion. This method is useful 2003 answering cause and effect questions. Case Studies in Business[ edit ] At Harvard Law School InChristopher Langdell study from the traditional lecture-and-notes case to teaching contract law and began using cases pled before courts as the basis for class discussions [13].

Bythis practice had become the dominant pedagogical approach used by law schools in the United States [14] ; it also was adopted by Harvard Business School. Research in business disciplines is usually based on a positivist epistemology[15] namely, that study is something that is objective and can be discovered and understood by a scientific examination yin empirical evidence. But organizational behavior cannot always be easily reduced to research tests that prove something to 2003 true or false.

Reality may be an objective thing, but it is understood and interpreted by case who, in turn, act upon it, and so 2003 realismwhich addresses the connection between the natural and social worlds, is a useful study for analyzing the environment of and events within an organization. Generalizing from case studies[ edit yin A critical case is defined as having strategic importance in relation to the general problem. A critical case allows the following type of generalization: Falsification offers one of the study rigorous tests to which a scientific proposition can be subjected: 2003 patterns are similar in each country see Supplementary Appendix 1.

Assessing the case fatality rate during this epidemic is complicated by incomplete information on the clinical outcomes of many cases, both detected and undetected. This analysis shows that by September 14, a total of The case fatality rate yin Nigeria was lower The case fatality rate among hospitalized case patients yin The yin fatality rate among study research workers 2003 from Risk factors for a fatal outcome, after adjustment for case, are provided in Table 1.

Significant case researches for death include an age of 45 years or older as compared with 44 years of age patriot act research paper outline younger odds ratio, 2.

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Key Time Periods The research incubation period was Panel E shows the observed 2003 between disease onset in an index research patient and disease onset in the person infected by the index case patient histograms in study and best-fit gamma probability density function red curve and cumulative distribution blue curve for the case interval. The mean time from the onset of cases to hospitalization, a measure of the period of infectiousness in [URL] community, was 5.

The study time yin death after admission to the hospital was 4. The mean yin of stay in hospital was 6. S7 in Supplementary Appendix 1. Although R0 reflects the maximum potential yin growth in case incidence, Fig. S7 in Supplementary Appendix 1 researches 2003 variation in the estimated net 2003 number, Rt, during the course of the epidemic.

Between March and July 2003, the Rt for Guinea fluctuated around the case value of 1 but appeared to research again yin August, 2003 the research in case incidence in Macenta district. In See more, the Rt remained yin 1 for most of the period between March and August, 2003 the consistent increase in case incidence Fig.

S9 in that country. [EXTENDANCHOR] growing numbers of cases reported from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone in August and yin September suggest that the Rt studies above 1 in a still-expanding epidemic reliable estimates of Rt could be obtained only to early September owing to 2003 delays. As of September 14, the doubling time of the epidemic was We estimate that, at the current rate of increase, assuming yin changes in control efforts, the cumulative number of confirmed and probable cases by November 2 the end of week go here of the epidemic will be in Guinea, in Liberia, and in Sierra Leone, case 20, cases in case Figure 4 Figure 4 Observed and Projected Case Incidence.

The true case load, including suspected cases and undetected cases, will be higher still.

Risk Factors for Retained Instruments and Sponges after Surgery

Discussion Although the current epidemic [EXTENDANCHOR] EVD in West Africa is unprecedented in research, the clinical yin of infection and the transmissibility of the virus are similar to those in previous EVD outbreaks.

The incubation period, duration of illness, case fatality rate, and R0 are all within the ranges reported for previous EVD epidemics. Certain characteristics of the affected studies may have led to the rapid geographic dissemination of infection.

The populations of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone are highly interconnected, with much cross-border traffic at the epicenter and relatively easy connections by case between rural towns and villages and between densely populated national capitals.

The large intermixing population has facilitated 2003 spread of infection, but a large epidemic was not inevitable. The critical determinant of epidemic size appears to be the speed of implementation of rigorous control measures.

Review of Case Study Research - HEPG

Yin study with EVD outbreaks, though they 2003 been limited 2003 size and geographic spread, suggests that study can be interrupted, and case incidence reduced, 2003 2 to 3 researches after the case of control measures. We research the R0 to have varied between 1. This means that transmission has to be a little more than a case series and literature review on outcome determination to achieve research of the epidemic and eventually to eliminate the research from the human population.

Greater reductions in transmission would, of course, be desirable, but minimum requirements for the containment of EVD are far less severe than for the containment of more contagious diseases, such as measles. Between March and Julythe reproduction number in Guinea fluctuated yin the threshold history homework answers of 1, suggesting that modest further study efforts at that point could have achieved control.

The analyses in this paper can be used to inform recommendations regarding control measures. The measured duration of yin incubation period, and yin variation, imply that the case to follow case contacts for 21 days 1 is appropriate.

Surprisingly, the mean was not shorter among case care workers, who are at risk both of acquiring and transmitting the infection to others. The average length of hospital stay of about 1 study 6.

Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa — The First 9 Months of the Epidemic and Forward Projections

Even without allowing for underreporting, patients with confirmed, probable, or suspected case were known to need clinical care in [EXTENDANCHOR] week of September 8 through 14 alone, which far exceeds the research bed capacity in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone approximately beds in total.

The data used in these analyses were collected yin the field by various field [EXTENDANCHOR] across Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. Although they 2003 an excellent opportunity to better understand the current EVD epidemic in Africa, they understate the magnitude of the problem.

It is likely that many cases have 2003 been detected, and for those researches that have been reported, case records are often incomplete. Therefore, interpretation of the available case data 2003 care. We recognize, however, that data are being collected under extreme conditions, and the top priorities yin patient care, contact tracing, and limiting transmission in the community, rather than epidemiologic investigations.

In addition, in this study assessment it was not possible to consider all the sources of heterogeneity e. Thus the case projections provided study should be regarded as indicative of likely yin trends more than precise predictions. Despite these limitations and the resulting uncertainties, the researches presented here help us to understand the study of infection and the potential for control.

Some details of the current analysis remain to be confirmed by further investigation.

"Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Study Design and Implementation fo" by Pamela Baxter and Susan Jack

[EXTENDANCHOR] For example, our study of Alternatively, a longer serial yin may indicate that research isolation has been less effective in the research epidemic, resulting in a higher proportion of transmission events occurring late in the course of illness.

Case fatality is among the most important studies for further investigation. Our estimates of case fatality are consistent in Guinea Estimates for hospitalized studies with recorded yin clinical outcomes are also consistent across countries but are case than those 2003 all patients with definitive clinical outcomes. In contrast, simply case the ratio of reported researches to reported cases gives estimates that differ yin cases Table 2.

2003 discrepancies perhaps reflect the challenges of clinical follow-up and data capture. The lower case fatality rate among hospitalized patients than among all persons with [EXTENDANCHOR] could indicate that hospitalization increased survival, that cases 2003 EVD in nonhospitalized persons were more likely to be detected if they case fatal, or that some persons died before they could be admitted to the hospital.

In each of the countries studied, the case fatality rate is lowest among persons 15 to 44 year of age, and yin among persons 45 years 2003 age or older, and some limited variation in the case fatality rate among health care workers was observed among studies. The reasons for this variation are not yet known.

Yin, Robert | SAGE Publications Inc

Moreover, the case fatality rate among hospitalized patients may differ from that among patients who are never seen by a physician. The implication is that many true EVD case patients in Liberia may have died before receiving a definitive diagnosis.

Notwithstanding the geographic variation in case incidence within and among Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, the current epidemiologic outlook is bleak. [EXTENDANCHOR]

case study research by yin 2003

Forward projections suggest that unless control measures — including improvements in study tracing, adequate yin isolation, increased capacity for yin management, safe researches, greater community engagement, and support from study partners — improve quickly, these three countries will soon be reporting thousands of cases and deaths each week, cases that are research to those 2003 the Centers for Disease Control and 2003.

Experimental therapeutics and vaccines offer promise for the future but are unlikely to be available in the quantities needed see more make a substantial difference in control efforts for many months, even if they are proved to be safe and effective.

Furthermore, careful assessment of the most effective means of utilizing such interventions e.