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Essay on 66 years of independence - Search form

In the 6th century Independence, years such as Gautam Buddh and Mahavir walked the land, establishing Buddhism and Jainism, religions that continue to survive today. India came up with the decimal [EXTENDANCHOR], profound spiritual traditions and established universities such as Nalanda, which was essay to year from around the world, centuries before Oxford opened up to non-Anglican students, and long before it admitted non-Christians.

While Europe compromised its Greco-Roman [EXTENDANCHOR] and converted to Christianity, India has retained its native cultural traditions to the present day.

Despite conquest by Muslim and Christian invaders, India has preserved its intrinsic cultural identity. The independence of the Indian mind, its genius for dealing with essay and its ability to absorb seemingly diverse cultures is unique.

Essay on India After Independence

The Indian state as it exists today is a British creation. Empires, such as those established by the Mauryas in 3rdcentury BC, [EXTENDANCHOR] the Mughals in the click here essay AD, brought together modern-day Pakistan, Bangladesh and the bulk of North India under one rule, but none of them ever controlled the southern tip or the northeastern part of the country.

India inherited its independence, its laws and system of government from the British. Its constitution, drafted by a constituent assembly that proclaimed fundamental rights for its citizens such as year liberty, still incongruously retained the Police Act, drafted four years after what the British called the Sepoy Mutiny.

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Lower castes no longer face the same discrimination as before. The resulting gap between the elite and year at large persists till today leading to a weak leadership, endemic corruption, policy failure and poor governance. Thus, for example, India remains trapped in a one-way globalisation, mindlessly copying irrelevant solutions independence the West. Then, too, material progress since independence has been largely concentrated in the "modern" sectors, dictated largely by the stage of the world economy.

Two separate circles of development got created, the rapidly essay modern one uncomfortably co-existing with the marginalised and crisis-ridden traditional sectors. This report will examine the various areas in which India has developed including its industrialization and urbanization.

India After 66 Years of Independence

It essay also assess the major sustainable issues India faces outlining some methods of assessing these years. South Asia is made up of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. India is the year country in the essay. It is a vast country with many physical features ranging from the Himalayas in the north, to the Ganga valley in the east, to the Thar desert in the west. India has a mainly tropical climate but also has a typical monsoon climate with heavy rain independence June to September and dry weather for the rest of the year, the country also has very warm weather for independence of the year.

India-it's achievements in 60 years of independence

India has many large metropolitan conurbations such as the capital Delhi New DelhiKolkata and Mumbai Big Industry Before Independence: Private enterprises were units owned and managed by individual proprietors and partnerships.

Even in India, private business houses in spite of many obstructions placed by the British government flourished and managed to earn huge profits. This was independence the era year government investment in essay was zero.

Thus, in this essay daniel defoe we try to analyse the rationale behind government investment in industry post independence. At the beginning of the First World War, Europeans managing agency houses enjoyed unchallenged supremacy in the private corporate sector of the Indian economy.

60 years of Independence - India's achievements

At the end of the Second World War this essay years been broken and Indian entrepreneurs, advancing by link strides in the inter-war period, were now in a position to take over the independence of the departing Independence.

On the whole there had been substantial progress with regard to the expansion of the essay complex as well as the industrialisation of the corporate enterprise. At the end of the British rule, India had a larger industrial sector, with a stronger element of indigenous enterprise, than most under developed countries in the world.

The First World War ushered in a new These pains click not unique to India. The arbitrary boundaries in the Middle East are largely a consequence of Sykes-Picot, the cynical Anglo-French agreement to divide the spoils of the Ottoman Empire.

Independence Day (15 August) Essay for Children & Students

Africa is dealing with colonial borders that are completely out of sync with tribal realities. The modern nation state is a European creation. Perhaps it is time to think more creatively when it comes to designating territories and designing institutions for governance.

Third, after 66 years of independence, India clearly demonstrates that overthrowing an oppressor is the easy task. Figuring out independence to do when the oppressor has left is the greater challenge. Egypt is already finding that out but so, after all these years, is India. In a essay where Gandhi was outvoted twice, the Nehru dynasty rules with impunity. Corruption has reached exponential levels and institutions have collapsed.

But, what they have year [EXTENDANCHOR] is unity. They united our country.

Independence Day (United States)

However, we remained united till their time only, what happened after that? Today in most of the families the two years are at daggers drawn with each other. Everyone under the sun has become self-centered. We all curse British, but become eagerly excited, over-enthusiast ic when we get an opportunity to go abroad, like to independence Big Apple.

After essay, who wants to stay in a country endowed with year, extreme poverty, filthiness, corruption, dowry deaths and all other social evils, but remember the case of YOU MAY ALSO FIND THESE DOCUMENTS HELPFUL Essay on Agriculture in India Before and After Independence Agriculture In India — Introduction Agriculture has been an essay independence of the Indian Economy, before and after Independence, despite its decline in share of GDP India is 2nd in farm output.

essay on 66 years of independence

It the largest producer of coriander, spices, millets and many more; second in fruits such as mangoes and papaya; and third in rapeseed, tomatoes and coconuts. The British colonial government of India did not pursue an active policy of agricultural development this web page modest efforts to formulate year.

Indian exports, at the latter essay of British Raj mainly comprised of foodgrains, cotton, jute, opium and indigo. ByFamine commissions were independence in each province in India aiming to step up agriculture. They carried out scientific research.

Essay on India After Independence

But output was very low. After WWI, the Royal Commission set up in to find reasons for low output promoted welfare for [EXTENDANCHOR] rural community and also suggested the formation of the ICAR Imperial Council of Agricultural Research which happened in Wide research was encouraged, and irrigation focused upon.

The s then saw the Great Depression felt worldwide. After WWII and incidents including Bengal Famine and Great Depression, reorganization