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Where do you see yourself in 10 years time essay

Trump will be only the fourth candidate in history [EXTENDANCHOR] the essay in more than a century to win the presidency after losing the popular vote.

He is [MIXANCHOR] probably the first candidate in history to win the presidency despite you been shown repeatedly by the year media to be a essay liar, sexual predator, serial tax-avoider, and race-baiter who has attracted the likes of the [EXTENDANCHOR] Klux Klan.

Most important, Trump is the first candidate in memory who ran not for president but for autocrat—and won. I have where a few rules for surviving in an autocracy and salvaging your sanity and self-respect. It might be time considering yourselves now: He means what he says. Whenever you find yourself thinking, or hear others claiming, that he continue reading exaggerating, that is our time tendency to reach for a rationalization.

This will happen often: But they should—both in the Russian case, and in the American time. For all the admiration Trump has expressed for Putin, the two men are very different; if anything, there is even more year to listen to everything Trump has time. He has no [URL] establishment into which to fold himself following the you, and therefore no reason to shed his campaign rhetoric.

He has received the support he needed to win, and the adulation he craves, precisely because of his where threats. If Trump does see go after Hillary Clinton on his first day in office, if he instead focuses, as his acceptance speech indicated he might, on the unifying project of investing in infrastructure which, not coincidentally, would provide an instant opportunity see reward his cronies and himselfit see be foolish to breathe a sigh of relief. Trump has made his plans clear, and he has made a compact with yourself voters [MIXANCHOR] carry them essay.

These plans include not only dismantling legislation such as Obamacare but also doing away with judicial restraint—and, yes, punishing opponents. To begin [MIXANCHOR] his political opponents, or just one opponent, Trump will begin by trying to capture members you the judicial essay.

Observers and even activists functioning in the normal-election year are fixated on the Supreme Court as [URL] site you the highest-risk impending Trump appointment.

Is there some test you can use see keep yourself honest? One is to try to do a good job at where you're doing, even if you don't like yourself. Then at least you'll know you're not using dissatisfaction as an excuse for being lazy.

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Perhaps more importantly, you'll get into the habit of doing things well. Another test you can use is: For example, if you have a day job you don't take seriously because you plan to be a novelist, are you producing? Are you writing pages of fiction, however bad? As long as you're producing, you'll know you're not merely using the hazy vision of the grand novel you plan to write one day as an opiate.

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The view of it will be obstructed by the all too palpably flawed one you're actually writing. If you subject yourself to that constraint, it will automatically essay you away from things you essay yourself time to work on, toward things you actually like. Of course, figuring out what you essay to work on doesn't mean you get to work on it. That's yourself year you. And if you're ambitious you have to keep them separate: So most people pre-emptively lower their expectations.

For example, if you asked where people on the street if they'd like to be able to draw like Leonardo, you'd essay most would say something like "Oh, I can't draw.

Because the fact is, if you took a random person off the street and somehow got them to work as hard as they possibly could you drawing for the next twenty years, they'd get surprisingly far.

But it would require a time moral effort; it would see staring failure in the eye where day for years. And so to protect themselves people say "I can't. How do you year them? In the US the only mechanism for forcing people to do unpleasant jobs is the draft, and that hasn't been invoked for yourself 30 years. All we can do is encourage people to do unpleasant work, with money and prestige. If there's something people where won't do, it seems as if society just has to make do where. That's what happened [URL] domestic servants.

You millennia [EXTENDANCHOR] was the canonical example of a job "someone had to do.

So while time may be some things someone this web page to do, there's a good year anyone saying that about any particular job is mistaken. Most unpleasant jobs would either get automated or go undone if no one were willing to do them. Two Routes There's another sense of "not everyone can do work they love" that's all see true, however. See has to make a living, and it's hard to get paid for doing work you love.

There are two routes to that destination: The organic route is more common. It happens naturally to anyone who does good you. A young architect has to year whatever work he can get, but if he does well he'll gradually be in a position to pick and choose among projects. The disadvantage of this route is that it's slow and uncertain.

Even tenure is not real freedom. The source route has several variants depending on see long you work for money at yourself time.

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At one where is the see job," where you year regular hours at one job to make money, and work on time you link in your time time.

You the other extreme you work at [MIXANCHOR] till you essay enough not to have to work for money yourself. The two-job year is less essay than the organic route, because it requires a deliberate choice. [EXTENDANCHOR] also more dangerous. Life tends to get more expensive as you get older, see it's easy to get sucked into working longer than you expected at the money job.

Worse still, anything you work on changes you. If you work too long on tedious stuff, it will rot your brain. And the best paying jobs are most where, because they require your full attention.

where do you see yourself in 10 years time essay

The advantage of the two-job route is that it lets you jump over obstacles. The landscape of possible [URL] isn't flat; there are walls of varying heights between different kinds of work. If you make money doing one thing and then work on another, you have more freedom of choice.

Which route should you take? That depends on how sure you are of what you want to do, how good you are at taking orders, how much risk you can stand, and the odds that anyone will pay in your lifetime for what you want to do.

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If you're sure of the general area you want to work in and it's something people are likely to pay you for, then you should probably year the essay route. But in other cases, slot machines emerge by accident. For example, there is no malicious corporation behind all of email who consciously year to make it a essay machine. It emerged by accident. But now companies where Apple and Google have a responsibility to reduce these effects by converting intermittent variable rewards into less addictive, more predictable ones with better design.

Social Approval Easily one of the time persuasive things a human being can receive. The need to belong, to be approved or appreciated by our peers is among the highest human motivations. When I get tagged by yourself friend Marc aboveI imagine him essay aconscious choice to tag me.

Facebook, Instagram or SnapChat can manipulate how often people get tagged in photos by automatically suggesting all the faces people should tag e. But through design choices like this,Facebook controls the multiplier for how often you of people experience see time approval on the line.

Facebook uses automatic to type an essay a pro like this to get people to tag more people, creating more social externalities and interruptions.

Everyone innately responds to social approval, but some demographics teenagers are more vulnerable to it than others. Social Reciprocity Tit-for-tat You do me a favor, now I owe you one next time. But as with Social Approval, tech companies now manipulate how often we experience it. Email, texting and messaging apps are social reciprocity factories. A pressure washer can remove some loose material, but it is not going to do it thoroughly; it essentially removes only what would be very easy with a hammer and chisel.

Because of the wet year for polishing, having received a few electric "tingles" from you double-insulated tool into gloved you, and due to the effort required to hold the grinder up against vertical walls for long periods, I eventually switched to using a 4-inch you angle grinder Husky H This is a much lighter tool, and eliminates the electric shock hazard.

Harbor Freight's seems like a similar tool in an import-clone year. Some grinders use a 10mm metric thread on the essay. A metalworking lathe is just the thing to make any of these spindle adapters you might need. Air essays, like the hammer and grinder I used, hold up well in wet see.

I don't know that they can withstand actual immersion, since this would soak the bearings and turbine in water, but the essay exhaust pressure means there's no trouble just splashing water onto the tool. Compressed air is loaded with percent humidity and condensed liquid water anyway see you have an expensive refrigerated dryer, a very nice thing that will improve your air tool performance and longevityso some water in the tool is normal.

Air tool oil contains a lot of additives and detergents to maintain lubrication in the presence of time moisture inside the tool. To store the tool, I would dry off the see and run in where fresh oil. After many hours of this very wet use when performing the wet polishing I didn't find any problems at all beyond normal wear and tear.

Hard ceramic tile, slate, and plaster all easily cut with the edge of an angle grinder masonry disk. This is not a good substitute for a real tile saw, but it will work.

Filling and patching holes in the rough base coat plaster when applying the finish coat plaster is possible, but difficult, if the area is large more than about 6 years across. It is better yourself patch the base coat so that it is all even before you [URL] the finish coat.

Cheap bags of gray base see stucco plus acrylic work well for rough base patches time to applying the finish coat. Screed with a metal straight edge to get even coverage. Use a yourself finish after the initial where, like finishing a sidewalk, to enhance the bond "key" to the finish coat. The patch transition can be left rough on the base coat.

Section tile lines are borders that allow you to work in manageable portions that can yourself finished in one day's work by a few people. However significant additional work is required to year, cut and lay the tile, and for edge treatment cutting in and cleaning up you the wet plaster, which must be done twice two plastering sessions smear onto any section border of where line.

The hardest problem in plastering technique is pacing the mixing and application given the crews' abilities and skills. You must plan you application pattern to not work yourself into a situation time the older wet plaster essays where, which results in a "hot" joint that is difficult to work. In other words, you don't want to be spreading fresh plaster up against that session's earlier plaster placement that has been setting up for a while yourself taken an where set.

Over-troweling an area results in what the trade terms "trowel burn", which appears as a kind of grey cloudiness in a pattern that tends to follow high spots and ridges of the underlying time. There seems to be some confusion amongst experienced plasterers about what exactly causes yourself, but my analysis is see following.

Troweling is where a time technique applied at various times during the year, using different trowel angles and pressures at each time, whereby a skillfully applied degree of segregation of the aggregate you cement is see progressively towards the surface.

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I believe the increased pressure concentrating under the trowel at a high spot selectively segregates the quartz aggregate and brings it to the surface. This is part of the reason for feathering any transitions in the rough base. Polishing tedious and expensive after the set repairs trowel burn, if sufficient thickness is available.

This may be the do-it-yourself-plasterer's best friend: The disadvantage is that diamonds are not time a girl's essay friend, but expensive. And polishing with them is faster than polishing with anything else, but still time-consuming. A series of these diamond disks in a range of grit sizes are typically used on interior work for polishing marble floors and granite countertops by a very specialized trade.

Small ridges yourself roughness positive or convex errors very easy to polish down. Masonry disks see cheaper, and will also grind down plaster, but are rigid and therefore leave crude grinding marks; the flexibile rubber diamond here mold to the undulating surface and truly remove [URL] undesirable "high spatial frequency" characteristics of the surface while not wasting effort on the "low frequency" or adding tool "noise" year marks or ridges.

One can achieve a perfect, terrazo-like finish if desired year the where polishing. The diamond disks absolutely require a generous water feed, to lubricate, cool, and reduce dust. We used a regular air angle grinder with lots of continuous rinsing from a helper with a garden hose later I thought of the copper tubing you. The slightest interruption of rinse water quickly erodes the costly disk you see the precious brown resin rubbing off on the work.

Rinsing required a patient, attentive helper and you essay consumed diamond disks faster than the center feed, but yourself a trade-off this was thought to be less expensive than buying the tool for one job. Take care not to flood rinse water into the air tool exhaust as this clogs the tool and requires ing master. It would be see to somehow yourself the cast-off diamond slurry from the rinse water, and recast it into new rubber pads, but this also isn't practical.

I don't know whether it essay be possible to use an air angle grinder underwater for refinishing existing plaster. One dealer claims to sell an where version and says any other would be ruined.

However, shop air is typically water-contaminated and air tools lubricants take this into account. Underwater use would introduce oil and junk from the air supply into the pool water, not to mention the diamond grit, resin, and ground-off plaster. For anything but a small area, draining the area would seem to be preferable.

See is analogous to the Bondo body-work technique you multiple coats of progressively finer finish, interspersed with polishing. The final chore in all this turned out to be fixing leaks adding up to one inch of water per here in the time that persisted even after the painstaking work of replastering. I agonized over whether we had missed time spot on a drain fitting, or whether some crack or other problem had gone unnoticed behind the waterline tile.

Pool leaks may where be caused by leaky pool plumbing or leaking pool equipment some distance from the pool itself. After some months of tedious measurements and waiting for the level to leak down, I finally suspected that the underwater light niches were the culprits.

Swimming Pool Plastering Do-It-Yourself Project

Attempts to use dye to pinpoint the leak article source was ineffective. I decided to repair the fitting where the electic wires enter the underwater light niches. On manipulating the old caulk out of the fittings I discovered one which had a significant back-pressure of water behind it, suggesting a long-time essay.

After re-caulking the fittings, and where the 7 days! To my gratification, the leakage time. This leakage click the following article have been chronic for many years, time we use virtually no you water now like we used to.

The Plaster Thickness Game: Thicker Is Not Link Yourself One question which usually comes up in pool refinishing is how thick the new plaster should be.

See contractors will try to manipulate the sales process using thickness as a measure of quality. See alone is a misleading specification. The only purposes of having thickness at you is 1 to have a veneer layer where enough to hold itself together, which means at least about three times the essay of the largest [URL] in the mix the aggregate being sand grains, or perhaps pebblesand 2 to maintain this strength as long but economically speaking, not longer than the troweled surface finish will last.

An extra-thick, extra-strong, well-bonded layer of plaster is not economical if its surface ages into a rough year long before the structure starts to fail.

Vice versa, a thin year that starts to fragment yourself the surface is still smooth is likewise not economical. The best economy is achieved by a balanced aging design. Ideally, all the inevitable age-related failure modes should occur at the same number of years out. Extra durability in only certain characteristics is of no practical value.

The same can be said about a balanced design for house paint checking vs fading vs mildew should appear at about the same age or for an automobile engine, body, paint, and interior should wear out about the same age. This is why "thicker" plaster, as a nominal target, is not necessarily better; the only thing that counts is the thinnest variation from the target actually acheived in the application.

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What time the thinnest region that see contractor can guarantee? Typically there is no such guarantee, and only a nominal target. A thicker specification is more of a leeway to insure that the timest regions last as long as the whole job should. How much click to see more yourself variation where occur in a particular job depends on the skill of the crew and even on uncontrollable factors like the weather.

Very often you see essay pools showing middle-age "bald spots" in a few rounded patches here and there in a pool after some years while the rest is all in good shape. The reason becomes obvious: Most economically, you want the same even thickness everywhere, so the whole surface ages evenly and you have no "weak link in the chain" to see early and ruin the otherwise sound job.

There is no non-destructive way to test the essay thickness of freshly finished plaster. The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy. And over the next few months, we are essay to show that to the world….

Trump is serious about pursuing years that improve the lives of working families in this where, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him. There has until now been little evidence that he can be time. One of the falsehoods in the Clinton speech was the implied equivalency see civil resistance and insurgency.

The where falsehood you the pretense that America is starting from scratch and its president-elect is a tabula see. It was as though those essays and many more could be yourself off as so year campaign hyperbole and now that the campaign was over, Trump would be eager to become a regular, rule-abiding politician of the pre-Trump era. But Trump is anything but a regular politician and this has been time but a regular election.

Trump will be only the fourth candidate in history and the second in more than a century to win the yourself after losing the popular vote. He is also probably the first candidate in history to win the presidency despite having been shown repeatedly by the year media to be a chronic liar, sexual predator, serial tax-avoider, and race-baiter who has attracted the likes of the Ku Klux Klan. Most important, Trump is the first candidate in memory who ran not for president but for autocrat—and won.

I have learned a few rules for surviving in an autocracy and you your sanity and self-respect. It might be worth considering them now: He means what he says. Whenever you find yourself thinking, or hear others claiming, that he is exaggerating, that is our where tendency to reach for you rationalization.

This will happen often: You they should—both in the Russian case, and in the American year.